Friday, October 05, 2007

a belle farewell to the district

It's the last day. At the end of work today, I'll be leaving early, way too much luggage in tow, and off to catch a cab for Union Station. Tonight I'll be in NYC. Not in passing, but to stay. It's been a quick process to make the move up, but what can I say - I'm a rip the BandAid off kind of girl.

I will admit, I will most definitely not miss those ever-present politically charged conversations, peppered with names no one else knows or cares to know (especially yours truly!)... nor will I miss having to swipe one's Metro card upon entering AND exiting the Metro system. The thing I will absolutely not miss is the darn zones for the insane DC cab system. Dumb, dumb, dumb...

What will I miss the most? The people. All about the people. I will miss the air conditioned cars of the Metro. I'll miss my favorite restaurants. I'll miss Eastern Market and all of the wonderful local vendors. I'll miss my church and the pastor, who I absolutely think is the greatest. I'll miss my apartment with its washer and dryer in the unit. Man, I'll miss that one... but it's the price you pay for Manhattan, I guess.

And with my move outside of District lines into a land no one can claim is part of the cultural South, I figured it made sense to close out this chapter and formally begin a new one. This is of course going to remain up. I'd never take it down. But with all the changes on the horizon, thought a change was due here as well. My favorites from here though will remain linked in the new blog.

It'll likely be a while before I'm all set up with Internet access and the like, you you know you'll see me here (at the link below).

See you on the flip-side...


  • Have a safe move! We have air conditioned subway cars...just not stations. They certainly aren't clean either.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 07, 2007  

  • I'm so excited for you!!! Good luck in NYC!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 07, 2007  

  • Sarah - Thanks! Well, so far no broken bones yet. Upgrade! I can deal on the subway stations. Tomorrow will be my first morning rush hour attempt though.

    Susan - Thanks =) It's so odd that I'm hear and, um, I'm not going back! Haha. Will definitely feel better once I have that final forwarding address...

    By Blogger Lara Ziobro, At October 07, 2007  

  • Kinda sucks that we kept talking about meeting up sometime, and then you go and get this fancy job and end up moving to NYC in the space of a few weeks. Craziness, I tell you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 14, 2007  

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