Friday, September 28, 2007

farewell barry white

I hurried onto the metro this morning. I can't seem to stop packing. I start and before I know it, it's after midnight. Or, in the case of this morning, I start going through bubble wrap and packing tape right and left - taking on more than I have time to handle and I just happen to stop to look up for 5 seconds to see it is 15 minutes past when I have to leave to go to work. Argh.

I barely made it onto the train. I like that there are so many seats on the train for those wonderful, coveted rides where there happens to be few enough passengers that you actually get to indulge in sitting in one of them. More often than not though, in the early hours of morning rush hour, that's not going to happen. Instead, the fantastic space-hogging layout of WMATA's cars equates to not enough room for all of the passengers cramming in to go downtown on the orange line. I will add that to my list of things I will not miss about DC's metro.

I crammed myself in, just as some guy stomped on my healing broken foot. Nice, guy - thanks. My mood was instantly alleviated as the beautiful booming voice of the Barry White train operator came over the intercom. Ahhhhh. His version of "New Carrollton" was not quite as inspiring as "Vienna - Fairfax", but almost! And to think, he was one thing on my list of one-more-time-pre-move-must-do's - clearly an uncontrollable one at that. How nice of him to offer to help me add that check mark. Much appreciated.

So packing is going well. Last night I signed my intent to vacate with my apartment complex -- so my fantastic 615 square foot slice of Arlington will be on the market this weekend. I made my last run to the UHaul store. Tonight I have someone coming over to take my kitchen table, which should make my apartment more Manhattan friendly.

I'm looking forward to Tam's arrival tonight. As much as I could really use the whole weekend to pack, I think some distraction and downtime is exactly what I need to give me some extra umph to go into the final week of insanity.

The countdown has begun...


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