Thursday, March 08, 2007

5 signs your neighbor might be from 'bama

(winter edition)

1 - When you see her walk out in the morning, she refuses to wear a hat. Might mess up the freshly fixed hair, which would be an absolute travesty. At the end of the day though, she's lost in the midst of her faux-fur lined hood. Neighbor? Neighbor who? Nothing to see. Only faux-fur here...

2 - She's oblivious of the city requirement to shovel off the sidewalk in front of ones place of residence. When deciding to be in compliance with said requirement, she decides that (clearly) shoveling with a shovel oh say a foot tall is the way to go. Until, of course, she wakes up the next day with a throbbing lower back. OUCH. (But on the upside, what a lovely clean walk she has in front of her... until she realizes today that you can hardly tell she shoveled... grumble).

3 - A continuation to point two, she leaves the snow shoes inside and decides it's a smart idea to shovel said snow in her nice work boots and nice Ann Taylor wool pants. Feeling in ones toes? Completely optional. Just a suggestion. Superfluous.

4 - Taking things inside the row house, what should you find on her bed? But of course none other than a simplistic array of the bare essentials... a thick comforter, a thermal blanket, a fleece "TV" blanket (AKA one you can stick your feet in and stay super cozy in), a sheet, and a nighttime wardrobe consisting of snowflake fleece pajama bottoms, a long-sleeved t-shirt, a thick, fuzzy Florida Gators sweatshirt (in obnoxious orange - of course), and fleece slipper socks.

5 - And looking to her social agenda, she's got something which could be connected with the mother land in store for the weekend. She's pretty PUMPED for her and her roommate's trailer trash party and whether it's 60 degrees or 20, will be proudly donning her finest redneck apparel and shortest denim skirt possible ;-) Yeehaw!


  • Love it! Though, ain't shovelin' the yard a man's job? While we be fryin' up the bacon, they should be workin' that Bud belly.

    By Blogger Sam.I.Am, At March 08, 2007  

  • Shore 'nuf! Haha. Well, in a house full of girls, we usually have to suck it up and get going on the shoveling. Although, the DG's friend TMcK has done us the favor a few times...

    By Blogger Lara Ziobro, At March 08, 2007  

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